Lightning Protection

Lightning protection services:

  • Risk assessments
  • Site surveys and appraisals
  • Design to BS EN 62305
  • Installations to new and existing structures
  • Discreet to the building fabric
  • Maintenance and Repairs

Lightning strikes to, or nearby, structures (or lines connected to structures) are hazardous to people, to the structures themselves, their contents and installations. This is why BS EN 62305 states that the application of lightning protection measures is essential.

A Lightning Protection System (LPS) is designed to protect a structure or building and contents from damage caused by the intensely high voltage currents of a lightning strike.

Firstly the need for lightning protection is determined by undertaking a risk assessment.

Here at Osborne Delta we can provide a risk assessment to determine if there is a need for protection, using software which has been developed by leading expert, Dehn.

Should lightning protection be required, you can be assured that Osborne Delta will provide a system in line with BS EN 62305 which is reliable, effective and economic.

We also provide a reliable and efficient Test and Inspection service, with testing being carried out by our qualified Lightning Conductor Inspectors.

Osborne Delta use only the highest quality materials provided by A.N. Wallis & Co. Ltd and Dehn.
Wallis logo

DEHN logo


We’re always happy to help so please do get in touch if you have any questions or to request a quote.